Friday, May 7, 2010

Socorro, New Mexico

Leaving town on Friday evening around 5:00, the group started out for a land far away. OK, it was Mexico. We reached Leadville around midnight if I remember right. I probably don't because I had been asleep for a while. I have found that in Leadville, at midnight, it's cold. Even in June. Leadville is the highest town in Colorado. After we got loaded back up, we headed on down the road. The vans were quiet, since most people were sleeping with the murmur of the drivers and the few people who couldn't sleep. We reached Alamosa in time to find that the Wal Mart was the only store open at that ungodly hour. After hurrying through Wal Mart, and trying to keep the group partway together, we finally all got loaded to get on down the road. By the time breakfast came around, we were in Socorro, New Mexico. That town has interested me for a while now. I learned once that in Spanish "Socorro" means "Help" I had to wonder who would name a town help. Finally my curiosity overcame me. So I googled it. (Hard thing that. ;)) And I found that Socorro actually was a town that was a huge help to the first expedition of explorers coming north from Mexico. The town was a Pueblo Indian village, and showing no fear of the strangers, the Indians told the explorers what lay ahead. And then gave them a large gift of corn. The leader of the expedition renamed the village Socorro because of the aid the Pueblo Indians gave them. There is no part of that village now standing, but if you go to the Eastern edge of Socorro county, you can find the ruins of the three large Pueblo's that were a sign of the might and power of the Pueblo Indians. Now that my curiosity has been satisfied, I thought I would let y'all know about it too. As for the rest of the adventures going to Mexico, I think I'll let them wait for later. :) God Bless!


  1. Thanks for sharing.I learned that word through you,so i will be tagging you as my Miss Socorro

  2. Great post Banjo! Leadville is very cold all year around I think. :)

  3. Leadville sounds interesting,is it up on the snow range? I was a little confused is it in New Mexico or Mexico itself? You sort of contradict yourself a couple times. Sorry not that this is a peice or anything. Sounds like fun. Walmart at 3 am what could be better!

  4. Leadville is in Colorado. It is in fact the highest town in CO.

    Walmart at 3 am is interesting, especially when there are a couple of scary looking guys out front. :) I stuck with my brother.

  5. thebigguy, Leadville is in CO. :) As Hannah said, Wal Mart is interesting at 3 AM. But Socorro is in New Mexico. Sorry if I contradicted myself. Next post might be about the time that we drove through a town right after a drug fight. Thanks for the comment!
